sharaku unframed score
micro-opera for soprano, baritone, shamisen, viola, flute, double bass, and percussion (2019)
nikki einfeld (soprano), daniel cilli (baritone), hidejiro honjoh (shamisen and voice), and left coast chamber ensemble directed by matilda hofman
galactic monarchs score
for shakuhachi, string orchestra, harp, and percussion (2019)
performed by john kaizan neptune and berg orchestra directed by peter vrábel
singularity score
for string quartet (2012 rev. 2015)
momenta quartet
lustral shades score
for hichiriki, sho, ryuteki, shamisen, and cello
Hidejiro Honjoh (shamisen), Takeshi Sakamoto (ryuteki), Mayumi Miyata(sho), Hitomi Nakamura (hichiriki), Elena Aliza (cello) (2018)